Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Confirmed by Google: Personalized Search Results Is "Very Light"

Hello Friends,

It’s been long, I have shared anything here. Actually, was caught up with some personal allegiances. Anyways, now I would like to be more active with some really good research materials in the digital marketing niche. 

As a daily routine, I was surfing the web and came across a great piece of information “About Personalized Search on Google”. This use to be a notional subject of discussion, whenever I and my team use to find different search results for the same search terms. We all had our own opinions/research on Google’s personalized search. But no one was 100% sure about their statements/facts about getting different search results for same search terms.

google personalized search results

But lately, I came across a blog post on Seroundtable.com, where Barry Schwartz has shed some light on this. In a discussion between him and a senior level Googler (working on search) about Google Personalized Search, the spoke person from Google said that “that it is really barely anything there with personalized search. What does matter is your location and language in terms of personalization but your search history and what information Google has about your likes, dislikes and demographics are not really used to make the search results better for you.” 

There’s also a tweet from Danny Sullivan of Google saying “personalization of results is very light”. He also added, “Most people searching in the same language and the same location will see largely the same things”. 

From the above words by official Googlers, we can conclude that location and language are far more influential about why results differ. There may be many other factors influencing the search results to differ, but location and language are the most vital. 

If there’s something else that you came up with your research on “Google Personalized Search”, then please feel free to share it in the below comment box. This will help everyone to understand more about this topic.

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