Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Typos and Spelling Mistakes are not Counted by Google: John Mueller Confirmed!

Yesterday on Twitter, John Mueller of Google said that it is always good fixing known issues with your website. Be it a technical issue, spelling mistake in content, or any other error. He also added to this, Google does not count your typos and spelling mistakes.

This is what exactly he wrote, “It's always good to fix known issues with a site, but Google's not going to count your typsos.”

What is he trying to Say?

Is Content Quality not a strong ranking signal for Google? Is this what he is trying to convey? If yes, then thin content domains would rank higher than websites having good quality content. In some cases, I have seen domains with thin content ranking higher than domains with high-quality content. I use to wonder, why it is so, but now this can be one of the reasons for the domain ranking higher in search results.

Is it ok to have Typos and Spelling Mistakes?

So now everyone must be having the same question, is it ok to have typos and spelling mistakes in your content? The answer to this can be If you are just looking for search engine ranking perspective than having spelling mistakes and typos will not harm you. But, If you are concerned about your readers then it will definitely have a great impact on them. Having spelling mistakes and typos will showcase you as an unprofessional to your readers. I personally would not recommend you to attempt this error.

My opinion on this front would be, fix all the typos and spelling mistakes on your website, not just for search engine rankings but mainly for user experience (your readers). In order to increase the quality of your content and blog posts, you can read my previous post where I have shared few free tools that can enhance your productivity. This activity will definitely help you succeed in the long run.

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